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Michael Hicks
While being interviewed by the University of Missouri Dean of Education to justify his request for a custom B.S. degree in Educational Video and Film Production, Michael Hicks outlined why he believed media would play an ever-increasing role in how we learned and the way educational institutions themselves operated. Following that successful meeting in 1983, Hicks spent his early career creating medical, industrial and educational videos. His creative spark was apparent early on: The first of his many awards was from the International Television Association for his Mizzou student film, “Hard Days,” a lighthearted look at a young man developing his self-confidence and self-worth. After working at a few other colleges, Hicks landed back at Mizzou in 1991 where he has helped to guide his office through many technological changes and advancements. Hicks states, “Through every change I worked to maintain our high standard and to effectively keep our office distributing the key messages. The way we do business has transformed many times, but our goal has remained the same; to help people understand the value of Extension and the University.” Hicks’ efforts to combine curriculum design and educational needs with the latest advancements in media have paid off. Through his career, Hicks has won many national awards including Crystal Communicators, Bronze Apples, Videographer’s Awards, ITVA Awards and 20 Tellys.
Email Michael
For information about licensing one of my photos please e-mail Michael Hicks:
Columbia, Missouri, USA